Sweden's biggest meeting place for everyone who leads, develops and manages the future of healthcare
Sweden, Stockholm, 22-23 January 2025
Opening doors in the corridors of power
Meet & greet exciting opportunities for the future of healthcare
Framtidens Hälso & Sjukvård (the Future of Health & Healthcare) is Sweden’s biggest and best meeting place for everyone who leads, develops and manages any aspect of healthcare. It is a unique event where you can learn about practical ideas and solutions and acquire new knowledge and skills.
Professionals from across the full healthcare spectrum, administrators, decision-makers and politicians will share best practice. Visitors will enjoy a comprehensive exhibition, a wide range of seminars and activities, all free of charge. There is also an extensive conference programme with a variety of carefully coordinated sessions to address today’s issues and challenges in healthcare.
The aim is to create a catalyst and inspire participants to implement these ideas, innovations and models of care and technology that will radically streamline and improve the future of Swedish healthcare.
The Future of Health & Healthcare will be held in parallel with E-Health + MVTe and Solutions for the Public Sector (Lösningar för Offentlig Sektor) on 22-23 January 2025.
+ 3961
+ 1790
+ 250
A whole world of contacts,
opportunities and new business
This is your best opportunity to meet the decision makers and buyers in Swedish healthcare. Representatives of municipalities and the Swedish regional authorities, as well as leading healthcare companies, will meet here to discuss, exchange experiences and meet partners. This is the event where your current and prospective customers really have time to listen, discuss and gain important insights.
Join the ultimate Future of Health & Health care conference with +250 speakers
Here you will listen to the biggest and most innovative leaders from health care, civil society, governments, and authorities. Participate in the conference and get premium insight into the latest ways of working, best-practice case studies and policy updates.
Patrik Sundström
Daniel Akenine
Nationell teknikchef
Gustaf Storm
Capio S:t Görans sjukhus
Marie Morell
Regionstyrelsen Östergötland
Boubou Hallberg
Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset
Carolina Klüft
Generation Pep
Marina Tuutma
Andre vice ordförande
Sveriges Läkarförbund
Ari Riabacke
Annie Lööf
F.d. näringsminister och partiledare
Ann Söderström
Carlanderska sjukhuset
Nasim Farrokhnia
Hälso- och sjukvårdschef
Göran Persson
F.d. Statsminister
Daniel Forslund
Näringspolitisk expert
Gabriel Westman
Vetenskaplig ledare för AI
Johan A. Eriksson
Ingenjör från KTH, författare & rådgivare. Leder analytikerna på Google
Maja Fjaestad
Adjungerad professor
Luleå tekniska universitet
Minna Johansson
Petra Heideken Wågert
Forskning och Innovation
Välfärdscentret i Västerås, MDU
Max Herulf
Annemieke Ålenius
Senior rådgivare
E hälsomyndigheten
Kathleen McCaughey
Statens inköpscentral
Gunilla Nordlöf
Mikael Damberg
F.d. Sveriges finansminister
Anna Bellman
Anna Tenje
Sveriges äldre- och socialförsäkringsminister
Pia Hardy
Nordenchef för Sjukvård och Life Science
Acko Ankarberg Johansson
Annika Wallenskog
Sanna Norman
Asker Healthcare group
Sofia Rydgren Stale
Sveriges Läkarförbund
Axel Wolf
fil dr, sjuksköterska, är professor i omvårdnad
Göteborgs universitet
Peter Lundgren
Överläkare, docent Strateg Digitalisering
Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset
Lukas Saari
VD & grundare
Tandem Health
Torbjörn Severin och Charlotta Hellström
Annie Palstam
Docent i rehabiliteringsmedicin
Sahlgrenska akademin Göteborgs Universitet
Lina Strand Backman
Innovationsplattformen VGR
Olivia Wigzell
Jakob Forssmed
Sveriges socialminister
The home for the Future of Health & Health care - find yourself among a group of the most senior people from the health care sector
Here’s why
you should exhibit
The most significant event
This is the most significant event for anyone who wants to reach the entire Swedish Health & Health care sector, a market that is now worth SEK 430 billion (€ 41 billion).
In Stockholm
It takes place in Stockholm, giving you access to thousands of decision makers, budget managers, commissioners, procurement officers, influencers, elected officials and politicians from across the public sector.
Meet decision makers
You will meet decision makers whose doors are usually closed and with whom it is difficult (if not impossible!) to book a meeting. You will thus build a pipeline of valuable contacts that can provide business for a long time to come.
Obtain documentation
Obtain documentation for the next round of procurement so that you can match your quotation to the customer’s exact requirements, putting you one step ahead in the business process.
Demonstrate your skills
Demonstrate your skills and know-how to those who make the decisions, understand their specific needs and show how your solutions can meet their requirements.
Showcase your innovations
Showcase your innovations and solutions to the most relevant decision makers and influencers in the entire Swedish public sector.

Who will exhibit?
Exhibitors at Framtidens Hälso & Sjukvård (the Future of Health & Health care) are primarily companies and organisations that offer products, solutions and services to develop, improve and quality assure services delivered by the health care sector.

Who will visit?
If you exhibit you will meet commissioning and procurement officers, decision makers, officials, elected representatives, and influencers from authorities at district, city, county, regional and national level.

To book a stand
To make your participation as effective, profitable and successful as possible, we will adapt the offer to your specific requirements. You can choose everything from a ready-made stand package to a highly personalised solution. Needs are many and varied, and we specialise in offering a solution that is just right for you.
Stand prices
9.900 SEK
Company name and logo in the exhibitor list on the website
Company name in the exhibitor list in the app
Exhibitor insurance
Marketing package
Scanning tool for visitor registration at your booth
Personalized registration link to build a visitor list
Optional number of tickets to the fair
Exhibitor training
38.000 SEK
Includes marketing materials, unlimited invitations to the event, carpet, walls, two spotlights and an electrical outlet.
12 SQM
46.800 SEK
Includes marketing materials, unlimited invitations to the event, carpet, walls, three spotlights and an electrical outlet.
16 SQM
62.400 SEK
Includes marketing materials, unlimited invitations to the event, carpet, walls, four spotlights, an electrical outlet.
Partner prices
Main partner
205.000 SEK
Main partner Visibility & Keynote speaker role.
Exposure as the main partner in marketing materials of the entire event.
Includes 45-minute keynote in the conference programme.
25 conference passes for the conference.
30 sqm stand incl. registration fee, marketing materials, any number of tickets to the fair, carpet, walls, eight spotlights, an electrical outlet.
Conference partner
183.000 SEK
Conference partner visibility & speaker slot.
Visibility as a conference partner in marketing materials of the entire event.
Includes 45-minute programme item in the conference.
8 conference passes.
24 sqm stand incl. registration fee, marketing materials, unlimited invitations to the event, carpet, stand walls, six spotlights, an electrical outlet.
Event Partner
152.000 SEK
Partner exhibit & speaker slot.
Visibility as a partner and marketing materials for the whole event.
Includes a 30-minute speaking opportunity on one of the event’s open stages.
4 conference passes.
20 sqm stand incl. registration fee, marketing materials, unlimited invitations to the event, carpet, stand walls, five spotlights, an electrical outlet.
Stefan Johansson
Sales Manager
Sales Manager, Public Sector Innovations
+46(0)706-93 88 00